For a long time, dread was a constant part of my life. It wasn’t until I broke it off with dread that I realized I had spent a good 20 years or so quietly accepting that dread was just this thing I Iived alongside. The thing is, I didn’t know it was dread.    In my life dread wore many masks. The most fabulous being the one of achievement. Pushing through, forcing, always telling myself, “just get through this part.” I was constantly pushing through and pushing through fast. To get to the end when I can do or have or say or experience THIS thing that is better. It all looked like achievement. And felt like achievement. But I...

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Back in 2008 when I first opened my private psychotherapy practice, I had one clear objective; to serve adolescents in acute crisis. It’s no secret I love working with kids and the adolescent years are 100% my jam. There is enormous creativity, passion, exploration, and vulnerability during these years. Everything is on the precipice and that is exciting, hard, and also tremendously inspiring. Teens are wild and weird. And that's perfect.    As I struggled with how to market the fact that I had officially hung up my shingle, I received some really great advice from my mentor. “Know the population you want to serve, but also, notice who finds you,” he said. And this has been a piece of...

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Human Design is a lot of fun. And really, it should be. But it can also be incredibly opaque when first learning your design. HD experts say that it takes about 7 years to fully live your design and trust your authority, along with learn to rely on the somatic response of your body rather than logic. And while this sounds like a long, long time, I do believe that it's true. It probably does take about 7 years. But, it is not an empty handed 7 year journey of trials before reaching this level of trust, self-worth and love. The journey begins right now. The changes and shifts begin right now. There are many benefits to learning your design...

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I was asked a few months ago by a reader, “What advice do you have for someone starting a business?” As a business mentor it’s a question I get asked a lot and to be honest my answer has changed drastically over the past few years.    A few things…   First, in business, there’s the data. And I am a big fan of understanding the data of your business. Data is all the numbers, decisions, and really all the boring stuff that we don’t imagine we spend all that much time thinking about, but in reality it consumes us until we have it down on paper, in a spreadsheet, and then ultimately delegated.  We need to see the numbers...

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I was in conversation with a good friend this past week about taking the nonlinear path. The long way, the shortcuts, the path that requires a tolerance of many a blind spot. I suppose at some point along the way, the nonlinear path with all its twists and turns creates a kind of Bingo. Sooner or later numbers fall together to create a win, or at least some sort of recognizable pattern or meaning.  This birdseye view requires a perspective that I think can really only come from time. And maybe some stillness.    I feel like I’m at the precipice of a Bingo myself right now. Nearing this precipice has been the result of a pretty massive life upheaval....

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