Welcome to the final installment of my Human-Centered Systems Thinking project! I'm excited to share this final phase. Thanks so much for all your questions! Keep sending them my way, I'm always happy to chat systems with you!
This final part of the project involves dissecting stakeholder interviews to discover a point of leverage for change. Leverage points can be found in many places within systems but when it comes to possible prototyping solutions to complex problems, leverage points that offer the opportunity for high impact and ease of implementation are key.
After evaluating potential leverage points for change, I determined that experimenting with feedback expectations in the classroom met both the requirements for impact and ease of implementation, as well as the potential for scale.
To address critique expectations for both instructors and students, time will be dedicated at the beginning of each course. This time will be instructor-led and include education and examples on the four feedback quadrants, guidelines surrounding how to provide Safe + Useful feedback, but also the benefits of this using this quadrant. The consequences of not participating within the expected boundaries of the desired quadrant will be spelled out for both instructor and students.
Perhaps the most important part of this set-aside time will be for the instructor to share in the vulnerability of what it can feel like for one's passion and life's work to be publicly evaluated under the microscope. To address this shared vulnerability, the prototype relies on the instructor sharing with the class some of their best and worst student ratings and discussing where they fall in the feedback quadrant.
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